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Avoid Alcohol for 24hrs prior to your appointment to avoid extra bruising.
For optimal results avoid blood thinning medications prior to your appointment.
Toxin | Forehead
Address wrinkles in the forehead only. These wrinkles are the horizontal lines that you see when lifting your brows.
Toxin | Lip Lines
The wrinkles / vertical lines seen above the upper lip.
Toxin | Eyes
These are the wrinkles at the corner of the eye when smiling or squeezing your eyes shut.
Toxin | Full Face
Want more than one area done or the whole face?
Toxin | Glabella
These are the wrinkles you see when bringing your brows together and are often referred to as the "11's".
Toxin | Neck
For lines referred to as "necklace lines."
Where your beauty wishes come true.
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